About Us
Business structures and lifestyles are drastically changing all over the world. Globalization is influencing all industries in all nations. Many excellent talents are leaving firms whether they like it or not, and starting small but creative new businesses. The economic crisis which has overwhelmed the world is a sign of the end of the existing system. In fact, the presence of individual professionals and small enterprises is growing day by day. They are small mammals against gigantic dinosaurs in the Jurassic period. We all know the outcome of the survival race; which species went extinct and which survived. Each small entity, however, is not almighty. Each has its own limited amount of power and ability. They need to work together with one another to survive.
Curiosity Japan is happy to describe itself as a small and powerless mammal. But the quickness and versatility that we possess, we believe, cannot be performed by conservative organizations. Our limited resources are dedicated to developing business in Japan and introducing businesses from Japan to the world. Industries we specialize in are entertainment, amusement, design, printing, digital signage, toys, and art. We welcome partners from all over the world.
Curiosity Japan is eager to work with people who want to enter into the Japanese market and those from Japan who want to take on the global market. We dare to share our dreams and success with our partners, and construct mutual and creative relationships.
Let us hear your dream. Let us help you grow in Japan and overseas. Your challenge is our challenge.
Company Name: Curiosity Japan
Head Office: 1-10-6 Ishiwara Sumida-ku Tokyo 130-0011 JAPAN
CEO: Kaz Kobayashi
Capital: JPY10,000,000
Established: July 1st, 1971
Field of Business: Producing various contents & original products, Artist & creator management, International Business development
BIOGRAPHY / Kaz Kobayashi
Kaz Kobayashi is a bilingual Tokyoite creative organizer with experiences in directing various projects, developing original brand businesses, and managing both marketing and creative divisions.
Kaz a native of Tokyo left Japan to study filmmaking in the US when he was 18 years old. He spent intensive 4 years in California, learned American culture as well as movie production, and acquired proficiency in English language. He produced a 40-min 16mm film as a thesis project and graduated from University of California, Santa Cruz majoring in Theatre Arts, Film Emphasis.
After graduation, Kaz returns to Japan and starts his career in video production industry as an assistant to an American video artist. His role was to translate and interpret in addition to assistant direct music videos. He then moves to a Japanese video production house and gets involved with a variety of projects. 7 years’ experience in this firm promoted Kaz from an assistant director to a producer, and cultivated his versatile project management skills.
Kaz widens his sphere of activities when he took a position of planner/producer of a Tokyo-based design, printing, and package-manufacturing company. His career was no longer limited within video production industry. The firm assigned Kaz to develop original brand businesses with the resources that they possessed. Royalty-free clipart and photography, board game, stereoscopic printing technology was amongst several projects that he was involved with. He was later appointed as General Manager of Business Development Department, in charge of all aspects of marketing and creative activities regarding original brand business of the firm.
Kaz is currently CEO of Curiosity Japan KK, and is exploring new international ventures mainly in entertainment, amusement, design, printing, digital signage, toy, and art industries. Kaz is a native speaker of Japanese with fluency in English (TOEIC 975).